Cyber ​​fraud case in uttar pradesh ghaziabad targeted religion fake scam call

Cyber ​​fraud case in uttar pradesh ghaziabad targeted religion fake scam call

Cyber ​​Scam: Cyber ​​criminals are now targeting people on the basis of religion. A new and shocking case has come to light, where religion is being used as the basis for fraud. This incident has brought to light a new form of cunningness and thinking of cyber criminals. This time the criminals have started targeting people on the basis of their religious identity.

Actually, the case is from Ghaziabad in UP where this time cyber thugs tried to target a person. He received a call on Saturday morning. This call came in the name of the Telecom Department. It was told that all the numbers connected to his phone will be blocked in the next two hours. For more information, press the number nine button. When he pressed the number nine button, a female telecaller introduced herself as from the Telecom Department and asked about the problem.

The victim gave this information

The victim said that he has been informed that his phone number will be blocked in the next two hours, he wants to know why this is being done. The woman asked him for his name to give more information, understanding the possibility of fraud from their way of talking, the man took a smart step. He intentionally told his name as Mohammad Akram. On hearing the name Mohammad Akram, the woman asked if he was a Muslim, he replied yes. After this, the woman telecaller told the man to disconnect the phone call, also telling herself to be a Muslim. She said that this call was not for you.

This is how the scam was detected

The proof of this incident is found in the call recording, in which the cyber fraud first asked the person his name and then confirmed his religion. As soon as the person told his name as Muslim, the fraud told him that “this call is not for you”. After this, he immediately disconnected the call. The victim says that by telling his Muslim name, he was saved from being cheated.

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